Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Negan vs.Thanos

 For my first post i would like to honor the namesake for this blog. Few if not any have ever spoken of the similarly of the MCU and TWD. Both premiered in 2008 and have held a certain superiority over their respective domains, TV and film. Watching as Rick struggles and grows, and sometimes falls, a lot, throughout his journey on TWD has been fascinating and nail biting. Truly reminiscent of the tragedy that is tony stark in the marvel cinematic universe.
 Both are the somewhat unspoken leaders in their worlds, and both regularly get caught in the worst situations probable for the stories they are in. If not for the glass half full outlook on how movies or seasons workout you could almost say that even though Rick Grimes and Iron Man come out on top, they still lose.
 Iron Man 1 was a tale of a weapons dealer fatally injured and kidnapped in another country then wakes up to realize his world isn't what it seems and his weapons are going to terrorist. He then builds a suit (que tools sounds), bust out, throws some fire around, jets out of there in a cough\fart kind of way and vows to stop selling weapons and work for a better future. That is until his "best friend" and coworker decides he doesn't like the way tony is running things (sound familiar?)  Oh and also he's the one that's been selling starks weapons to the terrorist group the Ten Rings. A car fight and an electric surge later, Iron man has killed his friend, abolishes all weapons deals and declares "I am Iron Man". Season one of TWD is almost the same story. Rick, a police officer gets shot in the back while on duty and falls into a coma. He's wakes a little later to find that his whole world has changed, not unlike tony starks changed outlook ON the world. And just like Tony, Rick suits up, after some help from Morgan (like Yensin, but Morgan doesn't die, he clears.). Rick finds his family, and best friend Shane. Guess what, Shane doesn't like how Rick is running things, also he is sleeping with ricks wife and wants to steal his family. A hand gets chopped off, Carl gets shot and Sophie dies, then Rick kills Shane, in self defense I might add. Or was it?! Sorry, but the similarities are marvelous (pun intended). Point is, even tho they won in the end, the aftershock of winning creates an all new issue, which in turn drive both characters nearly insane, Rick after Lori died and Tony Stark after the Chitauri invasion on New York City.
  So we skip ahead to 2018 and both entities are running strong with 10 year anniversaries. Coincidentally, both are also having a major finale of sorts, or at least the first part of two. Warning, spoilers for TWD season finale ahead... Over in Ricks world things have come to a boiling point. After a long, yet enjoyable, trudge though the saviors storyline we at last get to see whether or not Rick could kill Negan. Yeah, no...he can't. Not surprising. Negan has been the big bad for two seasons now, and has been for the most part the leading character of season 8, with nods to Maggie who's just turning into a kind of mean person. Negan has that same menace that Thanos holds over earth's mightiest heroes (They should let Rick become an Avenger, Michonne is already there). They both have the upperhand, guns\guantlet, unstoppable is their force. But wait, Eugene just did what Eugene does best, piss everyone off! Sabatoging those bullets in a so very unexpected way, he pretty much single handedly won the "All Out War", try not to puke. Then to top it off Rick kills Negan!! Kinda...not really, at all. Actually rick gets the shit kicked out of him, again, then bullshits his way close enough to whisper a peice of stained glass across Negans throat, everyone cheers then goes " Oh Shit!" when Rick gets Negan medical attention. Including Maggie.
 Now, what about tony vs thanos? Will the same story play out? Maybe one of the black order has ulterior motives for helping with the infinity stones and turns on Thanos letting Iron Man and the Avengers take him out. Or possibly Loki being Loki fools Thanos to think he's on his side then screws him, but that would be to predictable. I say there is a mole in the black order, screws Thanos, Iron man gets the upper hand then declares he will not kill thanos, that is not what the Avengers stand for. Expect Spider-man to have an impact in that decision. Then what happens after that is still in the air. But sticking with  similarities, don't the whisperers sound a lot like the skrulls, hmmm? If rumors to be believed, both groups could be showing up in the future of these titles. Maybe a TWD\MCU easter egg is in order, come to find out Carl isn't dead but really is in the Collectors possession. Whaaaaat?! Who knows..

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